Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Direct Hit

I knew I'm right... I am f*cking right!

It's you and not Pancho that Eunice admires!


This is one of those situations that I wish I'm NOT right!!!

I am having mixed emotions about it... I am affected. Denying it to Marie and Anne. I am acting OA again. But I just dunno what. I am jealous perhaps. And I feel awfully stupid as well :(

I am jealous of everyone... on everything!



Why does it have to be you? You that I like... you that she likes...
Why does it have to be me? That she has to share it with... and keep it all to myself.

I have to pretend all is ok even though it's not. That all is fine and dainty.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think straight. I feel useless.

Wallflower... f*cking wallflower. Or a shadow.


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