Thursday, December 7, 2006

Unavoidable Truth

Staying away from you is really a HARD thing to do. Besides, there will always be at least a day in a week than our paths will cross…

Might as well embrace the truth that you will be that person for me until someone (if not really you) will be the one to fill the “gap”.


I just came from a short nap. Hoping to regain lack of sleep due to staying in your office till 4AM in preparing some marketing material for one of your products, a few hours that I need to attend my college friends wedding AND host it with my VBF.

And I thought I wouldn’t survive 2 straight days? WOW!!! Both work and wedding was a blast!

Admit it… you stayed too… helped out and my heart is thankful and “personally” glad you stayed. ‘Nuff explanation. Isn’t it too obvious? But really, both events turned out well. So hyper sharing to my other colleagues what they missed out, how we worked and how I got myself 2 pairs of shoes a few hours before the wedding.

The wedding turned out very well. Though my feet still feel sore until now, I didn’t feel ashamed of what I am wearing, in hosting and just being there. I felt happy for the couple. You can see that in our other friends’ faces too. The love and the wedding is really authentic. Love there is not fabricated…

Weird thing is, I thought of you there in the midst of somehow a reunion with our friends in college we’ve never seen since after graduation.

I did wish you were there, with me. I wonder how you feel about weddings?

For the first time, I hosted. For the first time, I am excited to join the ladies in the catching of bouquet. For the first time, I had this longing of getting married (well, this one occurred for perhaps 5 mins!). For the first time, I am not shamed of what people thought of me (and stared at me) when I removed my heeled-pointed shoes and take note… walked around! ;)

It’s an accomplishment for me :)

Tired, yet I don’t mind. I felt light, good and happy! It’s just this f*cking sore-numb feet are torturing me!

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